The Irrational and Complicated


Or simply demented…

I wish I had someone that loved me.

So that I could tell them that I didn’t, and  watch as their heart broke, watch the agonising pain on their face.

I wish I had someone to love.

So that I could kick them out of my bed and make THEM make ME breakfast.

I wish I had someone who loved me.

So that I could tell them that I loved another, and watch the world crumble to pieces.

I wish I had someone to love.

So that I could nag them to to the shopping, mow the lawns, make the bed, and pick up the kids, put the garbage bins out, wash the car, make love to me, remember my birthday, remind them to remember my birthday, to read my mind and to know what I am feeling. Always.

I wish someone loved me.

So I can make them jealous with rage by kissing another.

I wish I had someone to love. So that I could tell them little white lies that then become big white lies.

I wish someone loved me. So that I could fight with them for any number of stupid reasons and then make them sleep on the couch.

Love makes people do crazy things.


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